Dear Friends and Family,Thank-you for joining me in my journey with my
hearing loss and walk with the Cochlear Implant. I want to start this blog not
only to keep you posted but also share my journey and how God is working in my
life through this trial. I have been encouraged by others in their journey
through hearing loss and the steps that they have taken with the cochlear
implant. One of my goals through this blog is be an encourager to others as
they may take this journey like myself.Thanks for taking the time to walk
with me in this journey and support me through this time. It is neat seeing how
God is working in my life through this time. I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bilateral coming soon

Alright down to the last week before surgery. I lot of mixed emotions, but very ready and excited for the surgery and things are coming together.
I am just finishing up some last minute things and enjoying this beautiful weather in getting outside. One thing that I recently did, soon after finding out that I was going bilateral, I thought "I don't need my hearing aids any longer why let a great pair lie around."  I have heard of many people donating hearing aids and decided to give them to a really good friend that would benefit from them.  I am glad to know that she is finding them very helpful and even more so looking forward to having her help me out with the surgery.  It was not hard letting go of them and feel even better giving them to someone who really could use them.
One prayer is for relief of the vertigo and for it to settle down.  I know it will get worse before better and will not see if it really helped for several weeks.  But this is one of the goals of my surgeon as to help me to regain my hearing back in the left ear. I am eager to get back to work and working with children again.
As some of the days I am anxious but more over ready, I am trusting in God through this journey and know that he is with me all the way and I have my angel with me too (my mom).  In the last week the verse Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."
As I went to running with a friend we spotted deer on the path, I was amazed that the deer just stood and watched us pass.  They gave me a sense of peace as they were relaxed right there and a reminder of not to worry.

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